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AT-AT Battlefront

Updated: May 3, 2019

During my final months at University I decided to model an AT-AT from the game Battlefront; which is the newest model. This meant it came with added difficulty level since there are added pieces and cogs to go with it. It wasn’t intentional to have a Star Wars theme running through my work, but I wanted to push my modelling skills to see how much I have improved since the two years previous. I knew it might have been a risk doing so because it is a big thing to model, but I think the risk was worth it.

Since I want to work in both VFX and game companies I thought that if I made something realistic looking that it’s possible to use it to apply for both if I were to apply for both games and VFX jobs. The same can be said with the Tie Fighter.

When I am finished, I’m hoping that I can eventually make my journey into becoming a vehicle artist. I like to challenge myself and I have found that with vehicles there are more items involved that it makes it more interesting than environments that quite a lot of the time you make one of each thing and then change things about them to make it look like there are multiple different variations where there is normally just the one being used.

Looking at this design from the game Battlefront, I wanted to make it look very similar to the original. But I knew that in order to do that I would have to do some very fiddly small pieces that I knew would take too much time to model so for the times sake I decided to make it look like the original without the small details. If I have time later to come back to it I would add the things I don't have the time for.

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