Now with the legs almost finished I can see some things that may become a problem if they aren't fixed. And those are the pieces at the top that connects the suspension of the machine to the legs. It looks boxy and not like the original image that I am referencing. the other things as well is that there are pieces missing from the mechanism of the legs.
Other than that and the fact that the arches on the foot still need to be changed to the cylindrical ones I am very pleased so far how it is coming along
I have fixed most of the problems with the legs now. I can now say that without the legs looking boxy and now more curved. It is starting to take shape, looking like the references.
I have also added the mechanism that allows the bottom of the foot to list up and down, this took me no time at all do to because it is all cylinders and spheres. I had to use the boolean tool to make the holes the right size for the inner sphere to go in.