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At-At neck

The neck was simple enough since all I needed was a cylinder and extrude pieces out. But it was tedious to do as it needed to look like a spring like machine. I can’t remember how many times I had to redo that. One-time Maya crashed without me saving it, thankfully I hadn’t lost all the work I had done on it. But it got annoying, nonetheless. No sooner had I done what part something stopped me from carrying on and I had to go back to the drawing board as to how I was going to do it.

After a while I figured out that if I did one that only had a couple of edge loops with the dips in it to make it look like springs. I then duplicated it and merged it together only tweaking the places where the last one connected to the other, so it looks like one continuous thing than five different sections put into one. If only I had thought of that first and last, I would have saved myself some time for other things. But I now know that anything like that in the future to do it once and then duplicate it.

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