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AT-AT Leg modelling

Updated: May 3, 2019

After modelling the basic shape for the body, I wanted to move onto the legs as I knew that this would be the most tedious and time consuming of them all. As there are multiple pieces involved to create the legs. I’m trying to get the model almost the same as the photo references, I am going off to model the AT-AT.

The added pieces of the body like the step on the sides was fiddly, in order to make it I had to keep the underside faces and using edge loops to create the shapes that then needed to be rotated while deleting the other faces. This was difficult, as each time I attempted it something would go wrong and i would have to go back from the start and find an alternative way around it.

I hit many challenges with the legs though, at the bottom there is an arched piece that is attaching the foot like object to the rest of the leg to allow the foot to rotate when walking, I didn’t know hoe to go about doing something like that. I tried to make it out of a cube since it looked very boxy from the views of the references I was going off.

But that didn’t work, I didn’t know what else to do. After asking for advise on how to go about making it, I was shown how to make the shape I wanted out of a cylinder; which even now I’m surprised that there are may ways around things that looks cube like but to make it out of a cylinder. That was just one challenges that I was faced with.

The other one was to make the piece of mechanical cogs in a way that would allow the legs to rotate like the hip is the bone in our bodies that makes the legs move and rotate the way we want them to. It is the same in this instance. The way I did it first was using a cube and two cylinders, but you could see where one finished and the other ended. It looked a mess and I didn’t know how to make it one continuous piece since one side was larger than the other.

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